Henry Mountains

Ron NiebruggePhotos, Travel, Utah 9 Comments

Henry Mountains, Utah.

Henry Mountains, Utah.

Another aerial photo.

I have to give a giant shout out to our pilot Tim, he was the best. His family represents 4 or 5 generations in the Moab area, he had wonderful stories of all the areas we flew over, I could have listened to him all day.

He was also an amazing pilot. He became somewhat famous in this area by being the first person to fly through Corona Arch – there are some dramatic photos of the stunt around Moab. He has since flown through 13 or 14 arches different in this area.

While we flying over the Escalante River, he offered to fly us through Stevens Arch! I was all over the idea, but Just being in a small plane was already testing Janine’s comfort level. The idea of dropping below the steep canyon walls, and flying through what appeared from our perspective, to be a tiny opening, was just too much – so she said no. Now she says she would be up for it, so hopefully next time.

Comments 9

  1. Great pictures. Ron your blog is wonderful to somebody like me just getting into photography.

    p.s.Janine prudence is a gift.You are utilizing it well :).

  2. Great stuff, Ron!
    I saw a plane fly through Stevens Arch and it was pretty scary watching from the ground. Not sure I would have been up for it either. Besides, there would likely have been some hikers down there who would not have appreciated the intrusion and noise. It’s not good karma to disturb the silence of the canyons.
    Can’t wait to see what else you got. The route from Moab to Escalante must have had some amazing views.


  3. Ron, what a great area! Janine, I understand your hesitation, but the memories of when I was a pilot in bush Alaska back in the days gone by says; I’d have jumped at the chance! Especially with such a competent aviator. Go for it, for you know not what lies ahead or if you will have these opportunities again. Go, but go with caution.



  4. Post

    Thanks Leo!

    I hear you Guy – I did think about what a disturbence a plane would have been had someone been in the canyon then.

    The views from the plane were amazing – our mouths were hanging open the whole time. You need to see and photograph that area from the air one day.

    Thanks mom. I’m just glad to see Janine riding along in small planes with me – that is a pretty big step in its self. It helped having calm air!


  5. You know there’s not one Google image of a plane flying through Stevens Arch…. Kinda surprising.

    In that kind of terrain, would being up later in the day when the light is typically better actually work against you?

  6. Post

    Thanks guys!

    John, I haven’t decided what light is best. The early light did lead to a lot of contrast, but latter light is so harsh.



  7. if your plane has 12″ N-number lettering, i would recommend covering it up or modifying it for the flight in case there is someone underneath you and is perturbed enough to report you as you will certainly be in violation of FAR 91.119(c) and maybe 91.13(b) depending on the local inspector.

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